Vision & Mission


To widen horizons of knowledge to pursue excellence in higher education


    • To equip and empower students with relevant knowledge, competence and creativity to face global challenges.
    • To promote communal harmony so as to live in a pluralist society
    • To promote a pragmatic approach, fresh insight and progressive out look.
    • Inculcate patriotism through promoting multicultural and intercultural value.

Goals and objectives of the college

      • To evolve and adopt innovative best practice leading excellence.
      • To give trust to to equity with reference to gender and disadvantaged sections of the society.
      • To inspire and involve all stakeholders to play their roles constructively.
      • To provide effective and efficient support system and services that fulfill the needs of academic programme, faculty and student keeping in pace with time.
      • To private students an appropriate learning environment that enables to achieve excellence in academic and anhance their abilities for successful career.
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