Chairman’s Message


I deem it to be a matter of immense pleasure and honour for me to address you all through the website of Anjuman Arts, Science, Commerce College & PG Studies Dharwad which is a Minority Institute manage by Anjuman-e-Islam, Dharwad. It is indeed overwhelming to witness that the college has carved a name for itself in the academic scenario of the region. Education is the most powerful tool to bring desirable changes in our personality and also to bring positive changes in our society. It is the only medium which enables us to move from darkness to brightness. As the nature of education changes in the globalized world, and as new technologies provide opportunities like never before, our College looks forward to being an institution that accord valuable and meaningful contribution towards the society irrespective of religion Caste and Gender.

The offered courses arm the students with the right proportions of knowledge, skills, ideas and a positive attitude which makes them equipped to march with confidence and dignity into the world. Our society has endeavoured to provide every support towards the development of the college. As the college moves into the thirty-six years of its existence and the old gives way to the new, the college is ready to accept the challenges of the future.  

I cordially welcome all aspiring students to join our prestigious College and transform your dreams into reality. I am sure any student entering the portals of this college would be proud citizen, when they graduate/postgraduates from here . I wish all the best to the students for their career and academic pursuits


Iqbal K.Jamadar


Board of Education,
Anjuman E Islam Dharwad



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